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Do Unmarried Fathers Need to Establish Parental Rights in Tennessee?
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Both parents have rights to a minor child in Tennessee, but establishing these rights can be challenging for unmarried fathers. State courts always prioritize a child's welfare in custody and visitation cases. In most instances, the rights of an unmarried father align directly with his child's best interests. This alignment stems from the court's belief that providing the child an opportunity to form bonds with both parents and maintain relationships with them typically serves the child's best interests.  

Do Unmarried Fathers Need to Establish Parental Rights in Tennessee?

While the court does support these rights, they are not automatic if the father is not married to the child’s mother when it’s born.  Unmarried fathers in Tennessee can encounter legal challenges when it comes to matters of child support, custody, and visitation rights. If you are concerned about your legal rights as an unwed father in Tennessee, you are not alone.  

Unwed fathers can work with a seasoned attorney to ensure their rights are protected. Historically, family courts have overlooked the rights of unmarried fathers, leading to a lack of legal battles from their side. However, the tide is changing with an increasing number of unwed fathers standing up for their rights, which several state courts have supported. 

Why Affirming Paternity Essential for Unwed Fathers? 

In Tennessee, the issue of paternity or legal fatherhood often arises for unmarried parents. For married couples, this is not a concern as the law presumes the husband to be the father. However, in situations where the parents are unmarried, the mother automatically receives sole physical and legal custody of the child under Tennessee law, unless paternity is confirmed. 

Without established paternity, the child does not have a "legal" father. This means that the biological father cannot be legally obligated to provide child support until his paternity is legally recognized. The affirmation of paternity carries significant implications not only for the father but also for the child. 

By confirming paternity, a child gains access to crucial information such as potential inherited disorders or diseases. Furthermore, it opens up entitlements for the child, including a father's Social Security benefits, veterans' benefits, inheritance rights, and coverage under life and health insurance.  

A Father's Obligations and Rights in Tennessee 

In Tennessee, once paternity is legally affirmed, both parents are granted equal custody rights and bear the same financial responsibilities towards their child. Being a "legal" parent comes with full parental rights and obligations. For instance, an unmarried father in Tennessee, who isn't living with his child and never married the child's mother will need to go to court to safeguard their visitation and custody rights. If you're an unwed father hoping to assert your rights in Tennessee, a skilled attorney can advocate for you to gain visitation or custody rights. 

Steps to Establishing Paternal Rights in Tennessee 

In Tennessee, unwed fathers can legally establish their paternal rights through a two-step process. Firstly, paternity must be acknowledged or determined, and then the father must petition the court for custody or visitation rights. 

  • Acknowledging Paternity: The first step towards establishing paternal rights is to affirm paternity. The simplest method is through a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity (VAP). Both parents complete, sign, and notarize this document, often at the hospital during the child's birth. However, it can also be done later at local Health Departments, Child Support Offices, or the State Office of Vital Records. In cases where paternity is disputed, it can be established through an Order of Parentage. This involves filing a petition with the court and potentially undergoing a DNA test. Once the biological father is confirmed, the court declares him as the legal father. 

  • Petitioning for Custody or Visitation Rights: After paternity is established, the unwed father has the right to petition the court for custody or visitation rights. It's important to note that the mother is automatically given sole custody in Tennessee when the parents are unmarried. Therefore, the father must actively seek legal action to alter this. The court will consider several factors when determining custody, with the overriding concern being the best interests of the child. These factors include the relationship between the father and child, the father's ability to support the child, the stability of the father's home environment, and other vital considerations. 

By understanding and following these steps, unwed fathers in Tennessee can establish their paternal rights and play an active role in their children's lives. 

Championing Father's Rights in Clarksville, Tennessee 

At Patton | Pittman, we are deeply committed to serving the community of Clarksville, TN, and upholding the rights of fathers across our state. Our experienced team is dedicated to ensuring that your paternal rights are recognized and respected. Whether you're establishing paternity, seeking custody or visitation rights, or navigating child support issues, we are here to provide the legal support and guidance you need.  

Contact Patton | Pittman today at (931) 361-4477 and let us fight for your rights and the best interests of your child. A dedicated fathers’ rights attorney in Clarksville can champion these rights and advocate for you in any disputes concerning your children. 
