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What Happens if I Get into Bar Fight in Tennessee?

Life has been very challenging lately, and excessive drinking has been an unfortunate side effect for many people. When excessive drinking happens, it can lead to poor choices and reckless behavior. When life is particularly hard, some people overindulge in alcohol to help them forget about the hard parts of life. Sadly, while it may make someone make better in the short time, it can also lead to regretful decisions.

4 Types of Criminal Charges You Could Face From a Bar Fight

Fun is not overrated, until it gets out of hand and becomes a serious problem that could land you in legal trouble. Depending on the details of your situation, a bar fight could mean serious trouble, ranging from a misdemeanor assault charge to a felony. The severity of your charge is determined by a few contributing factors, like bodily harm to the victim and whether a weapon was used. In Tennessee, bodily harm and injury can range from a cut to scrapes or burns. Bodily injury differs in severity to serious bodily injury. Serious injury involves a near death risk or any range of life-threatening harm. In Tennessee, it is considered aggravated assault to inflict bodily harm with a weapon, so if you are involved in a bar or public fight that ends in bodily harm with a weapon – you can get into serious trouble.

If you are involved in a bar fight, you could face any of the following charges:

  • Assault: Assault is often found together with battery, but they are separate charges. Assault and battery are not interchangeable. Causing another person to fear bodily harm can result in assault charges. Assault is threatening bodily harm and attempting violence towards another person.
  • Battery: Unlike assault, battery happens when force is actually used to harm another person. If the injury isn’t serious, it is typically reflected in the punishment. However, if for example, a bar fight leads in serious harm to another person, you could face felony battery charges.
  • Disturbing the Peace: Considered by most to be a minor offense, disturbing the peace is a misdemeanor offense that carries up to 90 days in jail and a fine of $400 or less. Disturbing the peace doesn’t mean there was a physical fight. It can also be the result of shouting insult and using provocative language to incite a fight.
  • Manslaughter: Accidentally taking the life of another person is considered involuntary manslaughter. A heat of the moment and accidental death, like if one happened to die in a bar fight. Whether a manslaughter charge is categorized as voluntary or involuntary, it will carry jail time.

Criminal Defense Attorneys in Tennessee

A bar fight might seem like a simple indiscretion, but it could lead to serious life altering consequences. The first step would be to secure legal representation to defend any charges stemming from a bar fight. The best course of action is finding a criminal defense attorney sooner rather than later. The lawyers at Patton | Pittman Attorneys have served Tennesseans for many years, and we can schedule a consultation to discuss the details of your case.

Our team of dedicated attorneys understand how stressful it can be when you are facing serious criminal charges. If you are someone you love has been involved in a bar fight or a public altercation, give us a call today at (931) 361-4477 to schedule a consultation to discuss your case.
