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Do Misdemeanor Offenses Require an Attorney?

There are two types of crimes: misdemeanors and felonies. Felonies, such as rape and murder, are typically considered more serious and are subject to harsher punishments. On the flipside there are misdemeanors, such as driving under the influence and assault, which are considered less serious offenses and thus subject to less severe penalties. However, you can still face serious non-criminal consequences for a misdemeanor, which is why you should consult with an experienced criminal defense lawyer to avoid unnecessary repercussions.

In Tennessee, there are three classes of misdemeanors: Class A, Class B, and Class C. Below is a breakdown of each class and the punishments you may face if you are convicted:

  • Class A Misdemeanor: You face up to 11 months, 29 days in jail and/or fines up to $2,500. Examples of Class A misdemeanors include assault, marijuana possession and DUI.
  • Class B Misdemeanor: A conviction can get you up to 6 months in jail and/or fines up to $500. Common examples include reckless driving and prostitution.
  • Class C Misdemeanor: These usually consist of motor vehicle or regulatory offenses, such as speeding, wildlife violations and other petty offenses. Class C misdemeanors can carry up to 30 days in jail and no more than $50 in fines.

As you can see, misdemeanors are serious criminal charges and should not be taken lightly, especially if you’re a repeat offender. A criminal record can make it difficult for you to obtain a job, apply for school or even buy a home.

If you are facing a misdemeanor charge, please contact our Clarksville criminal defense attorneys at Patton | Pittman Attorneys today. Our team can look at your case and help you get your charges reduced or even dropped.

Call (931) 361-4477 or contact us online to request your free initial consultation. We are ready to discuss your legal defense options with you.
